2N NFC és Bluetooth kártyaolvasó 125 kHz, 13.56 MHz ajtónyitó kapcsoló

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Bluetooth & RFID Reader 125kHz, 13.56MHz, NFC
Product page:

The Bluetooth & RFID module for 2N IP Verso and 2N LTE Verso combines the currently leading RFID technology with a modern approach to access control based on the Bluetooth technology. Thanks to the multi-frequency RFID reader it reads both, unsecured 125kHz cards and smart 13.56MHz cards. Doors can also be opened with the aid of a smartphone with the installed 2N Mobile Key application! By tapping the button in the app or by simply touching the reader.

Technical specifications:
Version: compatible with Bluetooth 5.0 (BLE)
Range: short - typically up to 3m, long - typically up to 10m, distances should serve only as an approximate guide and may vary depending on the phone model and installation environment
Security: RSA-1024 and AES-128encryption
RX Sensitivity: up to -93dB
Mode: touch, tap in app, card

Hirdetés azonosító: 152705891

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